Did You Miss Me?

Did You Miss Me?

Did You Miss Me?

Sorry for the iterruption of the Twisted Sister Newsletter. I was back East visiting dear friends from my time in La Quinta. One of the many highlights of my visit was the Isabella Gardner Mueseum in Boston. It is by far the second best museum behind the Louvre, I have ever visited. Please let me know if you have ever been and if you find yourself in Boston this is a must see. 

 This museum was built by Isabella and finished in 1903. It conains an astonishing amount of artwork and is best known for the largest, unsolved art heist in 1990. If you would like to learn more about the museum and the art heist worth $500,000 go the Netflix. Search for This Is A Robbery - The Worlds Biggest's Art Heist. It is truly fascinating!

Because I have been away I don't have any new pieces of jewelry to show you but I will get crackin!

There's no such thing as too much BLING!!!

Let's Chat Soon,


Visit: BlingBeadedBaubles.com
PS If you know of anyone who might enjoy this romp, please sign them up HERE!


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Carol Tenwalde

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