Am I a Human Xerox Machine????

Am I a Human Xerox Machine????

Am I a Human Xerox Machine????

Just when I thought I was so clever...

A friend of mine asked me to create a necklace from a Pinterest Pin she found that she really liked. I'm always looking for new ideas and things to create so I was all in. Per usual, I had to order some new beads which we all know was totally unnecessary. But buying beads before a creative process is like stretching before running. Here is my new design or is it?

So what's the problem? A few days before making the necklace, I was cleaning out some drawers and came across this card my niece sent me years ago.

Is it just me or did I copy her design? Carol the Human Copy Machine. Back in the Dark Ages I did work for Xerox.  Just sayin!!!!
Here is another version. Let me know if you like it.

Let's chat soon,


PS If you know of anyone who might enjoy this romp, please sign them up HERE!


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Carol Tenwalde

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