Does this mean I have Egg on my Face?
When my mother was pregnant with me, she CRAVED eggs. She drove my dad nuts making them for her. Hardboiled were her fav. So it was no surprise that I said Egg before MA! That is why, yesterday, when I was invited to an Eggalicious Buffet for Easter, I so...
8 U.S. Town Names That Will Crack You Up.
I came across this article entitled 8 U.S. Town Names That Will Crack You Up. And it reminded me of my college roommate Denise. We were the original Ike and Mike. Denise was a very short Italian with classic Italian features and I was a 5'11 Dutch girl. Denise was killer...
Travel is in the Air!!!
At every gathering I've been to in the last several weeks, all people are talking about is travel. I'm not exactly sure why but I'm sure the Covid nonsense hasn't helped. Incase you too are looking to travel soon, I thought I would pass this article about the top tourist...
Talk about surprising facts! Who knew?
When it comes to Maps, I know I am Map Challenged.I joke that I could get lost in an elevator and I blame it all on my parents. You see growing up in Ohio, we only traveled North and South. So when I moved to San Francisco, I was in big...
Hidden In The Hills Is Right Around The Corner!!!
Hidden In The HillsNovember 17-19 and 24-2610:00 to 5:00Studio 16 Cuvee Art Studio31550 N. 70th Street, Scottsdale, Az 85266 Hello All,It's that time of year again. The work is completed, the windows are washed, and the floor is clean. Yep, I’m getting ready for our BIG show of the year, Hidden...
Did you like watching Alfred Hitchcock movies?
I loved to watch his movies as a teenager but I never really thought much about him. It turns out he had a very unusual relationship with food. You can read the full story HERE but the real reason I brought it up is because my friends and I were looking for a...
What US Town Should You Visit Based on Your Zodiac Sign?
Is wanderlust calling but you’re not sure where to go? Why not consult the stars? Whether you're a full believer in astrology or just searching for a new destination that might suit your personality type, using your zodiac can open up plenty of new possibilities for travel. No need to...
What a Clever Idea!
Has this ever happened to you when you have remodeled? As anyone who has dipped their toe into home improvement waters knows, home remodeling is a mix of excitement and headaches. It's fun to freshen things up and make your own mark on your home, but when you're tearing out...
I Need Some Gorgeous Flowers!
Don't get me wrong I love living in Arizona and I never tire of all the Desert Flora... But as the summer heat wave continues for a least another 3 - 4 weeks, I need to see the beautiful colors of Flowers. Well, just like that on queue The Discoverer sends me...
Magical Night View Images!
Last month, Atlas Obscura had their second photo contest of the year, they called out to all the night owls for their most memorable views after dark. Atlas Obscura, loves any reason to stay up past our bedtimes and experience celestial moments.Here is the first place Winner and Click the pic to see all of...
You know how I am a sucker for odd coincidences!
Do you ever think about how certain statues end up where they're placed? I have a good friend who is trying to raise money to erect a Sally Stamford Statue in her beloved town of Sausalito. I just watched the movie Lady of the House on YouTube and there is...
I recently thought about playing the Ukulele again?
That was until I went to my first group lesson. I played in highschool and we all know that was back in the Dark Ages so what did I expect? Before I went I watched a ton of YouTube Videos and I thought I was at least alittle refreshed. I would...
Carol, everyone knows you're old! Excuse Me?
A certain Millennial, who shall remain nameless, said this to me recently. I asked her which part of my will she would like to be deleted from? After a moment, I caved and asked her why? She said for 2 reasons. #1. Because you leave voice mail messages, I know you called. #2....
Talk about a Product of the Times!
This is bound to sound political but please trust me it is not. With all the Transgender and LGTBQIA2S+ convesations going on I just couldn't resist this story. It is about a Virgin Crocodile named Coquita in Costa Rica. Cocuita lived for 16 years totally alone in a zoo and then in 2018...
Did You Miss Me?
Sorry for the iterruption of the Twisted Sister Newsletter. I was back East visiting dear friends from my time in La Quinta. One of the many highlights of my visit was the Isabella Gardner Mueseum in Boston. It is by far the second best museum behind the Louvre, I have...
I never thought of myself as particularly weak willed....
I've mentioned to you so many times that my Dad, Bob could build, make or fix anything. So much so that I thought all men could do the same. Then I met Richard, well that's another story and a totally different set of strengths... I can remember as a child...
Can you pine for a Tree? Tee Hee!
But here is something about the Meyer I did not know. The Meyer came from China around 1917. It was a huge success and spread to many backyards in California and Florida. But slowly Citrus Growers began to notice that nearby Orange or Grapefruit Trees would show some discoloration on their...
Talk about a Silk Purse from a Sow's Ear!!!!
OOPS! When Your Wife and Dance Partner Doesn't Show Up To Her Audition on America's Got Talent!!!You know how addicted I am to AGT. Just click pic to watch and be prepared to be amazed! Where you awed? This Is a Beauty I made for St. Patty's Day. Do You Like? ...
Are you kidding me????
This week I was struggling with a topic as I'm not 100% yet! But that was all eliminated when I say this video of a 3 year old leading the Russian Orchestra in the Can Can. You will not believe this. Click the pic below. Now don't be too tough...
This is Beyond Impressive!
Sorry, you haven't heard from me in a while! It seems I hit one of those Life's rough patches but I'm slowly getting back to normal. I wanted to start with something 100% guaranteed to make smile.You may recall that I'm addicted to America's Got Talent and this year is no...