Could Someone Else take the Arrows Please?

Could Someone Else take the Arrows Please?

Could Someone Else take the Arrows Please?

Staleness has become a rut.

Last week it was - I was stale.

There is a reason learned people stress the importance of taking care of yourself. You're run around handling every possible problem and issue. Taking all the arrows and then all of a sudden you're used up. But like a dope I didn't realize it. Until my husband said at dinner, "Are these leftovers?"  "Certainly not." I exclaimed. It turns out I made the same meal 2 days before. UH-OH, Busted! Time to slow down. 
Am I the only one? So, I though I could use this newsletter to possibly help us both. Once a month, I will try to include something that might help with our everyday lives. So my first article will be cooking. (Especially considering the above.)  After all, we all have to eat!
Click HERE to get 11 Ina Garten's recipes that can be made in under an hour. I made this Chicken Recipe and it was fantastic.

This is what I made this week with these beautiful freshwater pearl crosses. Maybe subliminally I was asking for prayers.

Let's chat soon,


PS If you know of anyone who might enjoy this romp, please sign them up HERE!


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Carol Tenwalde

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