Funny WWII Story - It's possible!

Funny WWII Story - It's possible!

Funny WWII Story - It's possible!


   GI               BobPink 2

On our way to a mini family reunion, Bob (My Dad) announces he is antisocial. Seriously? My Dad is about as antisocial as a baby kissing politician. This will inspire another post entitled, "How to tell your Dad he is full of crap and live!"

I'll post this as soon as I figure out the live part. Anyway, I am astounded to hear this because the night before he tells us this never heard before WWII story about how he inadvertently became his boot camps social director. Dad, What gives here? Here's the story and you decide.

In 1944 at the age of 18 my Dad is drafted and is shipped off to Texas for boot camp. After boot camp all of his buddies get shipped off to France. Next wave of draftees come in and Bob has to go through boot camp again as they don't know what to do with him. All these recruits are shipped off. Meanwhile, no shipping orders for Bob.

So because Bob has been in camp so long he becomes the impromptu social director because he knows the town inside and out. To this day he can still remember the names of the best bars and restaurants in that town.  

After 5 waves of draftees pass through, Bob goes to the officer in charge and finds they have no record of Bob. By now, the war is winding down and Bob is shipped off to a camp in Indiana for the duration. Now on the surface, this is quite funny and really in keeping with the goof ball things that have happen to Bob in his life. But a more sobering perspective is what if he got shipped off to Europe and killed when he could have simply walked away from camp and no one would have been the wiser. Just sayin! 

Please let me know if anyone out there has a funny WWII story? While I was home I came across a new phrase for dangle earrings. Shoulder Dusters!  Isn't that cute? So I made these for my gal friend's birthday. Would you wear these? I usually don't make earrings but I thought these have possibilities for my store. What do you think?


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PS If you know of anyone who might like this romp please sign them up HERE!

Let’s chat soon,





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Carol Tenwalde

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