Golly, The Things I Have Forgotten!

Golly, The Things I Have Forgotten!

Golly, The Things I Have Forgotten!

You've heard me talk about my Nut Ball Dad (Totally Meant in a Good Way) but I rarely write about my maternal grandfather, George. He was a sweet but ornery man. He pretended to be hard  of hearing so he didn't have to listen to my Grandmother!

In their living room hung a huge fake picture of American Gothic. George insisted that it was a picture of his parents in Iowa. I did ask him why he didn't look anything like is parents? Well, Carol Ann I am bald!  I never thought much about it until I took my first art class and discovered it was famous.

Because George said it was his parents I always assumed that the couple were husband and wife. I didn't realize there was some supposition that it was a father and daughter. It turns out they are the painter"s sister and dentist. You can read the whole story HERE or Click the Pic.

 New Amethyst pieces! Click Pic for more details:


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Carol Tenwalde

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