Having Some Fun With Fake News!

Having Some Fun With Fake News!

Having Some Fun With Fake News!

I don't know about you but I am sick to death of fake news and Trump's health or lack thereof. So I am trying to find solace that this has all been around before and we managed to survive and forget and now we can smile about it.

Let me set the stage. Back in the 1840s presidential election America was coming out of a terrible depression and Van Buren was the incumbent President. Van Buren was depicted as an elitist and a snob mostly because he drank champagne with dinner instead of hard cider like the real folks. His opponent William H. Harrison from Ohio (Yeah!) was depicted as living in a log cabin and drank hard cider just like “real folks,” feasting on hog, hominy and grits. 

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The truth of the matter is Harrison was a very wealthy man and pursued agriculture like Jefferson and Washington. Yet he dominated the vote and won the presidency on the promise that he ate like real Americans. I Fake You NOT!

Where he actually Lived!
Here is what I have been working on. PS They are Real!
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Carol Tenwalde

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