Back in my day girls really only had three choices of careers...
You could get married, become a nurse or become a teacher. When you grow up with a working mother who would shout every time she was frustrated with my father, "Don't get married!" Marriage wasn't a consideration. I'm a fainter so that shot nursing. So I was left with teaching. The only subject I really excelled at was math so I went to college to be a high school math teacher. There was never a second thought by anyone - Not my folks or guidance counselors offered another idea. So after I did my student teaching and discovered I hated teaching. No one ever mentioned that high schoolers were more interested in dating and fashion than Geometry and Calculus! Duh!
When I finally went to my counselor for recycling, she told me I could be an Actuarialist. A what? You would work for an Insurance Company and figure out when people would die. I'm 22 years old and I want to spend the rest of my life concentrating on death? No thank you.
So why am I bring this up? When I finally quit teaching after two years and got into technology sales I was always fascinated by the engineers and I often thought I wish I had known that engineering was an option. It would have been interesting to at least have given it a try.
Alright Carol, enough of the Poor is Me Saga. This all came about when I saw this piece on Boston Dynamics Dancing Robot. Click the Pic for a real treat and turn up the volume!
Who wouldn't want to work on something this fun?
Speaking of fun, if you're in the neighborhood Sat. April 10, I hope you will join me at the Holland Center for the Annual Arizona Sage Marketing. There will be over 35 artist showing and selling their art. I will be there and would love to see you from 10:00 - 4:00.
There's no such thing as too much BLING!!!
PS If you know of anyone who might enjoy this romp, please sign them up HERE!