I've mentioned this to you before but it still irks me! My Dad, Bob was such a delightful character and left me with a treasure trove of material for this blog. Bob loved to tell stories and when someone interrupted him he would say, "Hey, I wasn't done talkin!" At his funeral, I closed his eulogy with this and it brought the church down. I wanted to put it on his tombstone and the Catholic Church said no. I appealed to the bishop and he said no too. So I have made my peace with this until TODAY!
I see this article about the grave site of Karen Kerlin Barnett in Indian who had a mausoleum built next to her favorite spot near a creek. This is bad enough because in Ohio you just can't be buried any where you choose. But wait it gets better/worse! A new highway is proposed and it goes right over the grave site. Family protested and wanted the grave protected so this is what they did.
Now I'm Mad again!
Last week I took a fused glass class and have been having a blast making pendents. Here are my latest combos. What do you think? Click Pic for More Details.
Let's chat soon,
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