Last week I wrote about the 4th Grade Phenom, Andres Valencia,
that is setting the Art World on it's ears. If you missed it you can check it all out HERE. So now that all of my shows for the year are over, I'm catching up on all the things I have left undone for the last 2 months.
One was unpacking a box from my deceased folks that my brother sent me. In it I found a charcoal drawing I did when I was around 10 or so. Please I'm not comparing myself to Andres but I thought it was pretty good???
I know the perspective is off on the wall but Jeez! So in the coincidence department I got an email about 16 of the most beautiful covered bridges. Does this one remind you of my drawing?
Click the picture if you would like to view all of the Beauties!
Just in time for Christmas click HERE for my Christmas Guacamole Recipe! PS. If you need to ripen avocados fast (3-4 days), place the them in a paper bag with an apple. Seal bag as best you can.
Let's chat soon,
Visit: BlingBeadedBaubles.com
PS If you know of anyone who might enjoy this romp, please sign them up HERE!