Is Vanity Just for Women?

Is Vanity Just for Women?

Is Vanity Just for Women?

Of course we know the answer is NO....

but being vain is certainly directly tagged to women. That is why Carly Simon's hit "You're so Vain" was so shocking at the time because it pinned it to a man. So I thought you would find this Civil War factotum of interest.
Recently archeologists found bottles of hair dye in and around an old Kentucky building that use to be a photo studio for Civil War Soldiers to get their photo taken before going off to battle.  Thus wanting to put their best visage forward! Sad in a way but so very touching!

Don't know why but I'm feeling a bit Pearlie! Like?

Since Christmas is just around the corner I had to include this. Be good to yourself!  Happy Holidays!

Let's chat soon,


PS If you know of anyone who might enjoy this romp, please sign them up HERE!


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Carol Tenwalde

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