I've been texted???

I've been texted???

I've been texted???

I have several friends that are in my age neighborhood...

that are doing the online dating thingy. Honestly, I would rather scrape paint but the one thing that is universally complained about is texting. No one talks on the phone anymore. It's like my niece, Erica, said to me a couple of years back. "Aunt Carol, everyone knows you're old." I beg your pardon? "Only old people leave messages. I know you called." Humph! So, those of you that have been with me awhile know how my brain works... I got to thinking about texting and that lead me to texture. Sorry, it's messy in my head! Last week I told you I was into fiber but I realized that wasn't really correct. It's texture that attracts me. Think about the Twisted Sister Technique. It's all about using hundreds of beads etc. I was exploring texture when I stumbled on to Viktor & Rolf Couture. OMG! Have a peak and I hope you'll enjoy the video.

Viktor  Viktor 1 Viktor & Rolf Couture Fall 2016  Viktor & Rolf Couture Fall 2016

Being a Jewelry Designer, I have met my match. Sadly, No necklaces necessary for these outfits.

Visit me at: BlingBeadedBaubles.com

PS If you know of anyone who might like this romp please sign them up HERE!

Let’s chat soon,


Fiber1  Apricot Sari Purple Sari


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Carol Tenwalde

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