Let's Have Some Fun and See Who is Paying Attention???
Posted on May 09 2018
So I'm not proud of the fact that I can get lost in an elevator.
I always blamed my family for my lousy sense of direction. You ask my Mom how to get some place and she would say go to that pink house on 65 near that lady I use to work with and turn right. Ask my Dad and he would say travel 3 miles on 65 and turn right. I was always getting lost especially at night in the summer. When you are surrounded by 6' corn stocks it's hard to get your bearings.
When I moved to San Francisco things got much worse. People would say go towards the Bay or the Ocean. I'm sorry but water is water when you're on a peninsula. That is when I decided it was because as a kid we always traveled north and south. In SF, I needed to learn East and West. Ok, by now you have figured out that I can make an excuse for just about every one of my defects BUT....
Let's get back to the subject at hand. Just because I am directionally challenged doesn't mean I am not fascinated by the natural wonders of the world. (Please don't ask me how to get there!!!!)
Atlas Obscura had this great Pop Quiz and I thought you might enjoy it too. PS Two of the answers were in my previous posts. Click Pic.
Let me know how you scored!
Final Week: Don't forget my 25% off Mother's Day Sale. Code: MOM25.