What would you rather read a Woe Is Me or a LOL Post?
We've had raccoon issues lately. The little buggers get on the roof at the crack of dawn and in a small crawl space start to scratch and scratch. It's right above our bed. Needless to say we wake up cranky. Our pest service has tried everything humane and nothing has worked. The good news is that being Fall the sun comes up later but we're still cranky and that combined with my latest frustration level (more later in the month) our household i less than sunny. Pun intended. So last night while I'm working on a beading tutorial, groan, they take forever, the husband burst outside and in his best Rambo impression screams, "You want a piece of me?" at the little darlings on our patio. Well, I crack up laughing saying, "Like that's going to work." Without missing a beat he says, "You laugh but to the raccoons that was Shock and Awe." Guess what? No raccoons this morning!