A few years back for a significant birthday my husband took me to Ireland. We stayed at the beautiful Ashford Castle. At dinner in the Castle, a Classic Irish Beauty approached our table and asked me if I had a Party Piece. Not knowing what a Party Piece was I said No. Then she invited us to her Pub for after dinner drinks. The place was jumping and every one was singing along to whomever was on stage. It turns out every respectable Irishman has a Party Piece. A Party Piece is any ditty that expresses your talent. People from the audience got up and sang, recited poetry or danced. About an hour into it the Irish Beauty called me to the stage. Oh! Dear. She asked me what I would like to sing and handed me a song book. Oh wait! It gets WORSE. It's a cappella! Thus began the longest most humiliating 3 minutes of my life. I am a Blonde in the headlights and she opens the book to YESTERDAY. Yesterday sung at it's best can be pitchy and I did pitchy proud. When I returned to my table, I asked my husband just how dreadful was I? He said I should have sung Happy Birthday. Now why didn't I think of that?