Back in the Dark Ages ('80s) I sold for Exxon Office Systems....
Their major technological break through was Qwip, the first fax machine and Qyx, the first electronic typewriter. I'll never forget demoing this duo to Levi Strauss for the first time. It really seems hokey now but at the time it was magic.
The demo went like this. Type a contract needing a signature on the Qyx and print it out then put it in the Qwip and fax it to my secretary and minutes later the Qwip would ring and the contract would print out with a signature. Walla!
I remember looking at Strauss's Technology Director and literally seeing the thought wheels churning. So Carol Ann why in the world are you telling this? Is this another "It's all about me?"
We all know what is going on in China and Hong Kong and China's Internet Information censorship. But did you ever wonder how we know anything about Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989? Hundreds of Hong Kong students crowd sourced fax machines and sent thousands and thousands of faxes within China and out spreading the word of the Chinese atrocities. You can read the full amazing story HERE.
Its been a slow week for me as I had eye surgery but I did make this festive beauty for the holidays. Like? Always cherish your feed back.
Visit Me at: BlingBeadedBaubles.com
Let's chat soon,