The Retrospective I Never Asked For!

The Retrospective I Never Asked For!

The Retrospective I Never Asked For!

As all of you know by now I have been crafting as long as I can remember. I use to joke with all of my friends that when I die, they have to haul all of the gifts I have made them over the last zillions of years to my funeral so I can have my Twisted Sister Retrospective. Well sa

dly I got my retrospective of sorts while I was cleaning out my mothers house after her passing. Needless to say my mother kept absolutely EVERYTHING.  I found my First Communion Prayer Book.  But of all the things I found I wanted to share this mosaic box with you complete with the Mother's Day Card I made. It is still one of my most favorite things I have made for my Wonderful Mother.

So noodling around I found this town in Spain called Manises where the entire town is mosaics. Check it out HERE.

Here are a few things I have been working on:



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Carol Tenwalde

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