It's rattlesnake season in the desert and it got me thinking how different our generation is from the younger gens. We had a 5 foot rattler slithering across our deck last week and I asked my Hubby if he took a picture and he said: No, I didn't even think of it. He was too busy looking up the number for the snake removers.
Meanwhile we all know or have grandchildren or great grandchildren that can't even eat a meal with out sending you, Facebook and Insta about 10 shots. Do you think we're like our Depression era folks who would remain frugal and thrifty all of their lives and we don't think of taking photos because we remember the cost of film and photo developing?
It got me thinking of the millions of photos that are taken every day that mean nothing to anyone but the taker of the shot and a few close family members. Then compound that with the precious artwork of your grand and great grand children. What happens to all that refrigerator art?
That is why I got a kick out of a father who is a photographer and his two young sons that love to draw. He set out to create a Fun Insta account that that would combine the family work but would interest others. Here is his Insta link so you can checkout what I mean.
Think of the possibilities. You could be the photographer or maybe you have an older niece or nephew that loves to take photos. It could really be a fun family collaboration. What do you think? (I would love to show you a few of my favorites but Instagram won't let me copy. Arrgghh!) If you try the idea I would love to see your creations!
New Pieces for Spring! Treat Yourself! Click Pic for more detail!
Let's chat soon,
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