I had some odd things happen this week ....
Singularly, they aren't that big of a deal but cumulatively it's a bit scary. It started last week with book club when I joined the zoom call and they start talking about the book and I'm scratching my head going. "What are they talking?" It turns out I read the right title but by the wrong author. BTW The Book is Early Autumn by Bromfield not Parker. It's supposed to be good but I just started it. :-(
Today I get home and find I have left a bag of groceries at the store 20 minutes away and of course it is the one with Ice Cream! And so it goes...
So, I couldn't image why any one would actual build a structure as a home that is completely disorientating. Here are just two examples and you can click on the pics to see and read about the rest.
Getting ready for Hidden in the Hills in Nov. and the Holidays, I made the following: (Click Pic for Details)
There's no such thing as too much BLING!!!
Be Safe and Let's Chat Soon,
Visit: BlingBeadedBaubles.com
PS If you know of anyone who might enjoy this romp, please sign them up HERE!