Will This Marriage Last?

Will This Marriage Last?

Will This Marriage Last?

Opinions are like noses....

and we all have one but I really need yours, your opinion that is. My time the last month has been dedicated to something I really don't enjoy (you'll know soon) but it had to be done. Essentially this task has sapped the last of my creative energy just when I need it the most.  Christmas is right around the corner and every online retailer is gearing up their inventory and their advertising etc. So I walk into my studio and all I see are piles, and I mean piles, of beads and sari ribbon. I have confessed earlier that my solution to a lack of creativity is to stock my stash. Well, I've been on steroids! Patti our Postal Carrier now just grunts at me when she use to smile.

So here is where you come in. I have married my two latest loves, The Twisted Sister Technique AND Sari Ribbon. Please let me know if you think it works together. You have been so helpful in the past and I need a little encouragement OR constructive criticism. If you purchase any of my jewelry I will make you a pair of shoulder duster earrings as a thank you.
Here are two of the designs in question.


Can't wait to hear your thoughts.
Visit me at: BlingBeadedBaubles.com

PS If you know of anyone who might like this romp please sign them up HERE!

Let’s chat soon,



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Carol Tenwalde

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