Lordy, The things I don't know....

Lordy, The things I don't know....

Lordy, The things I don't know....

You could write a book about the things I don't know...

Whoever said this was spot on. I am writing this on the 4th of July (you'll be reading this soon) and I am thinking about my families customs on this date. You may recall that my dad was a nut for Halloween and it was our tradition to decide what our costumes would be on the 4th so we had plenty of time to prepare. Remember the life size Bowling Ball and Pins fiasco? (Click Here!)

When I was 5 my dad decided I would go as Uncle Sam. I was thrilled and I won 2 years in a row until the pants got too short and I had to give them to my brother. So why am I telling you this? I was thinking in today's politically charged climate would any child dare to go as Uncle Sam? Which brings me to my real topic Brother Johnatan. (FINALLY Carol Ann!)

Who???? It turns out that Brother Johnatan was the precursor to Uncle Sam.
 You can read the full story HERE. If history repeats itself I wonder who and or what will be the next Uncle Sam?

Some new necklaces:


Visit me at: BlingBeadedBaubles.com  for lots more examples.
Let's chat again soon! 
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All the best,


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Carol Tenwalde

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